
Sri Indu Institute of Pharmacy Alumni Association (SIIPAA) BY LAWS

1. Name of the Association

“Sri Indu Institute of Pharmacy Alumni Association” (SIIPAA)

2. Registered Office

Sri Indu Institute of Pharmacy
New Loyola Educational Society, PLOT NO: 468,
Sheriguda Village, Ibrahimpatnam Mandal,
Ranga Reddy – 501 510. Telangana. India.

3. Aims and Functions of the Association

Sri Indu Institute of Pharmacy Alumni Association (SIIPAA) is a private registered body which is monitored by the by-laws. It is a non commercial Association with an objective of providing a platform for Alumni to come together and support the Sri Indu Institute of Pharmacy (SIIP) in building the Institution of world class. The spirit of the Association is to strengthen the alumni by cherishing the values and memories of their association with the SIIP, and interacting on continuous basis with the other alumni, students and the faculty along with administrative

“Sri Indu Institute of Pharmacy Alumni Association” (SIIPAA) herein after referred as Association. The Association works with the stakeholders such as staff, students and the management of SIIP.

4. Sphere in which the Association Shall Function

Throughout the world

5. Membership and Categorization of Members

5.1 Permanent Members

5.1.1 Former students of Sri Indu Institute of Pharmacy who are enrolled by registration for life membership.

5.2 Associate Members

All the past and present Faculty members of SIIP, who are not alumni of SIIP would automatically be an associate member. They neither have voting rights nor can contest for any EC position. However they have to register for membership of the Association.

5.3 Honorary Member / Patron Member

Honorary Membership will be given to the person as an honour for extraordinary services contributed to the public and is decided by the EC and subsequently ratified by the General Body. The Patron member is an invitee and is decided by the EC and subsequently will be ratified by the General Body.

6. Admission/ Registration and Subscription

7. Privileges and Duties of the Members

While enjoying the benefits of the Association they will also discharge their duties in fulfilling the aims of the Association. The said member shall abide by the By laws of the Association.

7.1 Disqualification of a Member

The following conditions for a member may disqualify or subjected to expulsion or cessation

8. Executive Council (EC) and Functions

All the members shall work under the organization called “Association”, which shall be a policy making and governing body i.e. the Executive Council consisting of the representatives of the members and shall be in-charge of the activities.

8.1 The Structure of Executive Council

8.2 Chief Functions of the Executive Council and Office Bearers

8.2.1 The Executive Council has to function so as to meet the objectives of the association and is responsible to carry all the activities in the name of the Association assigned to the General Body the functions include
8.2.2 Venue and Notice
The Executive Committee carries its activities from the registered office in general and it may also hold its meetings and carry its activates depending upon the availability of place for holding meeting by the EC with an advance notice of 7 days.

8.3 Office Bearers

8.3.1 Patrons
The special invitee members without the voting right, as decided by the EC and subsequently ratified by the GB, become the patrons and they shall play advisory roles in all matters of the Association.
8.3.2 President
The President is the Chief Executive of the Association and is elected by the GB. He/ She shall be wholly responsible for the working of the Association.
8.3.3 Vice-President
The GB elects one person as Vice-President and also He/ She should be a permanent member of the Association and teaching Faculty of SIIP. The Vice-President shall act on behalf of the President in his absence and shall exercise all the powers of the President. He/ She shall be nominated either by the President or EC.
8.3.4 General Secretary
The GB will elect the General Secretary and he / She will take responsibility of daily activities of the Association. He/ She will act as the convener for every meeting and maintains the records updated related to
8.3.5 Joint Secretary
The GB also elects a Joint Secretary and He/ She must be a permanent member of the Association and teaching staff of SIIP. In the absence of General Secretary, the Joint Secretary will act and discharge the duties of General Secretary and the same person will be nominated by the President/EC.
8.3.6 Treasurer
Usually the GB will also elect the Treasurer and He/ She is the whole in-charge of the book-keeping and accounts of the Association. He/She shall maintain records of all financial transactions.
8.3.7 Executive Committee Members
A total of three members shall be elected by the GB and they are the part and parcel of the EC. They are responsible to attend such activities of the Association, which the EC entrusts them.
8.3.8 Election Committee
EC shall appoint the Election Committee comprising one Returning Officer and one Member. The tenure of the Election Committee shall be three (3) years. Each member of EC can serve after the period of three (3) years with the consent of the EC. The committee is responsible to arrange elections for the EC in terms of by-laws.

9. Elections, Duration of Office & Operations

9.1 Elections

Elections will be conducted once in every three (3) years to elect the EC. The GB will decide the conduct and methodology of elections quite often, within the provisions of the by-laws of the Association and entrusts the responsibility to the Election Committee.

9.2 Eligibility

Any member other than the associate, honorary members and patron members can take part in the election scenario. The member can contest/ apply to any post provided if he/ she was not elected for the post of President for two consecutive terms. The eligible members shall file their nominations as per the schedule notified by the Election Committee which are called at least 30 days in advance before GB meeting, whenever the elections are due and the results of the elections shall be formally announced and recognized at the GB meeting. Under emergency circumstances the Election Committee can call for election anytime by giving 14 days advance notice.

9.3 Duration of Office

The tenure of the EC shall be a fixed term of three (3) years and is bound to appoint the Election Committee to conduct the Elections before the Annual GB meeting before the completion of the term of EC.

9.4 Operations

The EC shall carry its operations as specified to ensure smooth functioning of the Association activities as mentioned below

10. Kind of Bodies of the Association, Functions and Quorum

10.1 General Body (GB)

10.2 Powers and Functions of the General Body (GB)

The GB shall have the edge with regarding powers on all the matters of the Association and is the Supreme Authority. However normally it exercises its power in discharging its main functions that are specified below

10.3 Meetings of the General Body (GB)

10.3.1 Venue and Scope
The venue of the meeting is generally at the SIIP and the EC can decide any other location if the situation demands and it has got a right to discuss any issue related to the Association and is taken up in the agenda of the meeting and proposed by the majority of members at the time of meeting with the permission of the Chair.
10.3.2 Time
Normally AGM will be conducted annually during the month of December or on any date it deems fit.
10.3.3 Notice
The Annual GB shall be convened after serving 21 days notice of the proposed meeting to be held in advance with the agenda for the meeting.
10.3.4 The Quorum
The quorum for the GB meeting shall be a minimum of one-third (1/3) members of the Association. The President will conduct the meetings as the Chairman. The President chairs the Annual General body Meeting and if he/she is also not present the majority of the attended members will nominate the Chairman to conduct the proceedings of such meeting.
10.3.5 For any meeting if there is no quorum the Chairman may adjourn the meeting for half an hour and there after even if there is no minimum required quorum can conduct the meeting with the available members.
10.3.6 The Chairman shall be allowed to exercise his/her vote as a second vote whenever there is a tie of votes if any issue arises.

10.4 Executive Council (EC)

10.4.1 The Executive Council (EC) shall meet at least once in a quarter (three months) in the year.
10.4.2 The quorum for EC shall be Seven (7) EC office bearers and executive members of which at least two shall be office bearers.

10.4.3 The permanent invitees to the EC meetings sans voting rights are the patron members and the honorary members.

10.5 Issuing the Notice for Meetings

10.5.1 At least an advance of twenty one (21) day notice shall be given for general body meetings while or an extraordinary general body meeting, there shall be an advance of fourteen (14) day notice.
10.5.2 At least an advance of seven (7) day notice shall be given for an EC meeting and in case of emergency, the President can call a meeting with three (3) day notice.
10.5.3 An agenda shall be notified for all such meetings by e-mail to the registered mail ID or placing information on the website.

10.6 Alumni Meets

11. Assets and Funds

The Association can hold monies, deposits, whether movable or immovable assets, patents, royalties by acquiring the same while discharging its objectives and by way of gifts or otherwise. The Association gets the income to meet its requirements mainly from the following

11.1 Sources of Income

11.2 Management of Funds

The Executive Council shall maintain the funds as per the annual budget submitted by the Executive Council before the GB. The fund management shall be as follows

11.3 Accessing Accounts

Every member shall have the accessibility to the accounts of the Association, provided he/she serves the notice in writing at least one month in advance about his/her intentions to examine the books of accounts. If any deviations are detected, the same may be brought to the notice of the Executive Council.

11.4 Appointment of Auditor & Financial Year

The GB shall appoint a third party auditor to audit the accounts and the audited accounts shall be placed before the GB for approval. The fee for the auditor shall be examined, fixed and approved by GB. The financial year of the association for the purpose of accounts shall be from 1st April of every year to the 31st March of the following year.

12. Official Correspondence

In consultation with the President of the Association, all the correspondence on behalf of the Association shall be made by the General Secretary.

13. Amendments

In order to improve the functioning of the organization, effective and efficient bye-laws can be modified, so as to meet the objectives and to meet the legal changes from time to time.

14. Books, Records and Accounts of the Association

All the details of the members, books of accounts and Minutes books and all the records pertaining to the Society/ Association shall be kept in the registered office under the supervision of the Secretary. They shall be made available to the members on all working hours and they may be permitted to verify the same for a reasonable cause

15. Disputes and Resolution

As far as possible, all the disputes are to be resolved amicably with mutual trust during the discussions / interactions and formal conversations.

16. Act and Applicability

17. Winding Up

The GB may decide to wind up the association that it is not in a position to fulfill its objectives and if the members lack zeal and do not participate vigorously in the activities of the association and/or the strength of the membership is falling below the minimum number or in case of any such genuine reason.
In case, the association is desirous of winding up its activities, the properties and funds of the association shall be transferred to any other association with similar objectives that are vested with the Principal, SIIP and recognized by the Income Tax Authorities under the provision of the Income Tax Act.